SalesProfitReceipt QtyStocksPriceCost of salesAvg Receipt PriceFinance metricsTurnsLoyaltyPlansRefundsPostingsRelocationDiscountLaboratoryOtherPromotional metricsSales QtyProblem Products Store ManagerAvailabilitySupplierAssortment activityProduct LayoutOrder/DeliveryWrite-offsPOS-terminalFINANCE METRICS
Metrics - group of metrics on Datawiz BI service
There is a list of metrics of the group "Finance metrics".
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Product Profitability %
the amount of profit per 100 monetary units of turnover.
% Change of Products Profitability
the difference between the product profitability for the selected period and the product profitability for the previous period.
indirect tax which is included in the product price and paid by the clients.
VAT Change
the difference between the VAT for the selected period and the VAT for the previous period.
VAT Change, %
the difference between the VAT for the selected period and the VAT for the previous period, calculated as a percentage.
tax which is included in the price of the products (luxury products, tobacco, alcohol, precious metals, etc.), and paid by the clients.
Excise Change
the difference between the excise for the selected period and the excise for the previous period.
Excise Change, %
the difference between the excise for the selected period and the excise for the previous period, calculated as a percentage.
Mark-up, %
the percentage of the profit from the primecost of sales.
Note! The calculation of the mark-up will differ at the level of products.
Mark-up % Change
the difference between the mark-up for the selected period and the mark-up for the previous period metrics.
Margin %
the percentage of the profit from the sales.
At the level of categories/subcategories the value of Margin,% is equal to the value of product profitability,%.
Note! The calculation of the margin will differ at the level of products.
Margin % Change
the difference between the margin for the selected period and the margin for the previous period.
GMROI (Gross Margin Return On Investment), %
the percentage of the profit from the average inventory in monetary units. The metric characterizes the efficiency of investing in products.
GMROI Change
the difference between the GMROI for the selected period and the GMROI for the previous period.
Postponement in days
the number of days provided by suppliers to pay the bill for the delivered products.
Postponement in days Change
the difference between the postponement in days for the selected period and the postponement in days for the previous period.
Postponement in days Change, %
the difference between the postponement in days for the selected period and for the previous period, calculated as a percentage.
Financial cycle
number of days during which own current assets perform one turnover. Negative value of financial cycle means that the product rotates longer than the delay from the supplier is active. In this case, you need to change the deferral agreement with the supplier or affect the acceleration of turnover. A positive value indicates how many days money from clients arrives faster than it should be returned to suppliers for the products.
Finance accumulation
shows how much money the store saves on the product due to the delay.
Cost of capital
shows how much you can earn if you put the financial savings in the bank.