SalesProfitReceipt QtyStocksPriceCost of salesAvg Receipt PriceFinance metricsTurnsLoyaltyPlansRefundsPostingsRelocationDiscountLaboratoryOtherPromotional metricsSales QtyProblem Products Store ManagerAvailabilitySupplierAssortment activityProduct LayoutOrder/DeliveryWrite-offsPOS-terminalPROBLEM PRODUCTS STORE MANAGER
Metrics - group of metrics on Datawiz BI service
Problems Identified
The qty of products that the user moved to the "Problem products" block.
Problems Identified Change
the difference between the Problems Identified metrics for the selected and previous periods.
Problems Identified Change, %
the difference between the Problems Identified metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.
Unique Problems Identified
The qty of unique problems that are not repeated for the selected product in other stores.
Unique Problems Identified Change
the difference between the Unique Problems Identified metrics for the selected and previous periods.
Unique Problems Identified Change, %
the difference between the Unique Problems Identified metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.
Solved Problems
The qty of products that the user moved from the "Problem products" block to the "Problem solved" block.
Solved Problems Change
the difference between the Solved Problems metrics for the selected and previous periods.
Solved Problems Change, %
the difference between the Solved Problems metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.
% of the Solved Problems
the percentage of problems solved is calculated as the proportion of Solved Problems of the total qty of Problems Identified
Duration of solving
The difference between the time of identifying the problem and solving the problem
Avg Duration of solving
The average time to solve the problem for the selected period
Date of problem identification
The date when the user moved the product to the "Problem products" block.
Date of problem-solving
The date when the user moved the product to the "Problem solved" block.
The user who identified the problem
Personal data of the user who moved the product to the "Problem products" block.
The user who solved the problem
Personal data of the user who moved the product to the "Problem solved" block.
Comment (Problem Identified)
Comment added by the user when a problem was identified (text/photo report)
Comment (Problem Solved)
Comment added by the user when a problem was solved (text/photo report)
Stock Qty (corrected)
The last value of the changed (corrected) stock qty for the selected period.
The value of the metric is displayed at the Product level and the sum of values is displayed at other levels.
Date of correction
The last date of change (correction) of the stock qty for the selected period using the StoreManager app.
The date of correction is displayed at the Product level.
Products Qty with corrected Stocks
the qty of unique products for which stocks were edited for the selected period
Number of corrections
the number of corrections made to the product for the selected period
The number of corrections is displayed in sum by level.