Receipt Qty


Metrics - group of metrics on Datawiz BI service

There is a list of metrics of the group "Receipt Qty".

Access to viewing metrics according to the user's role is determined by the administrator. To expand access, contact your administrator.


the total qty of receipts for the sale of products (excluding the qty of receipts for returns) for the selected period.

the difference between the receipt qty metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between the receipt qty metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

total receipt qty, the display of which may change depending on the accesses.

the percentage of the receipts qty of the selected dimension from the total receipts qty of the parent dimension for the selected period.

Note! On the Builder, the "% of total receipts Qty" metric is calculated as a % of the section added to the "Filters" field on the page of creating a visualization. That is, the section in the "Filters" field is taken as 100%.
If no section is added to "Filters", the metric is calculated from the overall chain data.

the percentage of receipts qty of the selected dimension (product, category, supplier, etc.) with available (limited) access from the total receipts qty of the same dimension for the selected period.

Note! If there are no restrictions on access, the % of receipts qty will be equal to 100.

the average receipts qty for a certain interval (hour, day, week, month) in the selected period.

Note! The calculation of the Avg Receipt Qty will differ in the report "Effectiveness of cashiers".

the difference between the avg receipt qty metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between avg receipt qty metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the percentage of the receipt qty with the selected dimension from the total receipt qty for the selected period.

the difference between the penetration metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the total receipt qty of clients LP (excluding the return receipt qty) for the selected period.

the difference between the receipt qty of LP metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between the receipt qty of LP metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the percentage of the receipt qty of LP clients out of total receipt qty for the selected period.

  the percentage of loyalty program receipts from total receipt qty for the selected period.

the difference between conversion of LP for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between conversion of LP for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the total receipt qty of new LP clients  (excluding the return receipt qty) for the selected period.

the difference between the receipt qty of new LP clients metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between the receipt qty of LP metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the percentage of new LP clients in the receipts qty of all clients for the selected period.

Receipts Qty per one linear meter of layout.

Note! This metric is calculated only for planograms with the status "For check", "Returned" or "Confirmed".

the difference between Receipts Qty per linear m. of layout metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between Receipts Qty per linear m. of layout for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

Receipts Qty per one square meter of layout

Note! This metric is calculated only for planograms with the status "For check", "Returned" or "Confirmed".

the difference between Receipts Qty per square meter of layout metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between Receipts Qty per square meter of layout for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the total receipt qty for the selected period, containing promotional products.

the difference between the promo product receipt qty metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between the promo product receipt qty metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the percentage of receipt qty with promo products from the total receipt qty for the selected period.

the average receipt qty with promo products printed for a certain interval (hour, day, week, month) in the selected period.

the difference between Avg Receipt Qty of Promo products metrics for the selected and previous periods.

the difference between the Avg Receipt Qty of Promo products for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage.

the average qty of promo SKUs were included to one receipt for the selected period.

the average qty of unique SKUs were included to one receipt for the selected period.

the difference between penetration of receipts with promo products metrics for the selected and previous periods, calculated as a percentage

the percentage of receipts with promo products in the selected dimension of the total receipts qty in the chain for the selected period.

the average time between the cashier scans the last position in the receipt and the time of printing the check.

the difference between the average calculation speed for the selected and previous periods.

the average time between scanning positions by the cashier.

the difference between the average speed of the position for the selected and previous periods.

the average positions qty were included to one receipt for the selected period.

is the percentage of clients who, when buying a key product, will acquire other products from a typical basket.

the percentage of receipts from a typical basket out of total receipt qty.

the percentage of the receipt qty of the selected dimension (product, category, etc.) with available (limited) accesses from the total receipt qty of the planogram of the same dimension for the selected period.

the average sales qty in all receipts for the selected period.