

Builder - visualization constructor on Datawiz BI service

Builder is an online service for creating customized dashboards for chain business processes. Such personalized reports will allow users to optimize the control process and speed up grounded decisions.

Dashboards can be designed for each employee, taking into account their tasks and goals. For example:

  • for top managers - to create dashboards with the main business metrics and their dynamics;
  • for store managers - with metrics for their stores;
  • for category managers - with visualizations of sales by categories and products.

The whole process of building dashboards is convenient and step-by-step:

  • formation of the necessary data sample;
  • setting the display method;
  • layout of visualizations in dashboards.

Created dashboards and visualizations are easy to share with Builder users or by link. This will allow establishing interaction with various management units, increasing the efficiency of the analysis.

Builder is an effective solution for tasks of chain business processes.